Paranormal/dark fantasy
55,000 words
55,000 words
Available from Smashwords
Identity theft sucks. But it’s worse
when someone steals your life—body included. All memory of her life before
waking up in a mental facility has vanished. Or was erased. Now she has to
figure out how to get it all back….
Her only hope of learning the truth
lies with one man. Problem is, he’s the leader of a cult. Her only choice is to
follow him into his sordid world, where a darker evil lurks.
With a little help from an archangel
hellbent on revenge, she may have a chance to learn the truth. But will it
force her to make the hardest decision of her life…or death?

Dead to Rights is a fantastically fun
novel that is instantly engaging. The story covers all kinds of things, from
love to self worth to things better left to angels and demons. Readers
everywhere will thoroughly enjoy this novel as much as I did.
An imaginative story with a great premise, and yes, the powerful hero is without a doubt, to die for, and the heroine is, with every personality involved, spot on. I really enjoyed the plot twists.
- author Arlene Webb: 5 stars
Dead to Rights is a stay-in-your-seat story. Once you begin to read, you won't want to get up from said seat. The narrative is filled with action, surprise, hunky angels (yes! absolutely, divinely hunky), heroines with multiple personalities (there's a great reason why), and enough bad guys to make you look over your shoulder. If you enjoy suspense, fast-paced action and trying to guess what comes next, you'll have fun with this book.
- reader MCM: 5 stars
“Get off me,” I hissed, but somehow felt safe when he instead lifted his
elbows on either side, shielding me.
A dangerous illusion. He was one of them, a weird ninja warrior. This
smacked of a setup.
He murmured, “I told you, play along. No one will bother us if they
think we’re making out.”
Oh, that’s a new one. But it held a ring of truth, though I worried he’d
relay everything I said in person. “What the hell’s going on?”
He scanned the compound. “You’re lucky they didn’t shoot you.”
Funny, at close range, he couldn’t seem to look me in the eye. “No one
ever said we couldn’t go for a freaking walk.”
“Not at night,” he said, “and never into the woods.”
Sounded like a bad Halloween flick. “Oh, seriously.” I shifted between
his raised arms.
His eyes flashed bright in the darkness. “Fine. You want to know why
not? Because all along the outer perimeter, camouflaged guards hide. Armed with
automatic machine guns. That is, if you make it past the traps.”
So it had been the click of a gun. What the hell kind of traps? Too many
questions raced through my head, so I simply asked, “Why?”
Sounding bemused, he said, “The reverend doesn’t like unannounced
Except for horny females. “Or followers who stray, I guess.”
He went on. “In this area, no one questions gunfire, whether single
shots or rapid fire, day or dead of night. No other member would question
someone’s disappearance.”
Cold crawled across my skin. “So we’re prisoners.”
This seemed to cheer him. “Only technically.”
A laugh burst out. “Oh, I love your positive spin on the situation. But
I take issue with its accuracy.” I studied him in the dim light. “If we’re not
allowed in the woods, what were you doing out there?”
His voice deadpan, he said, “Saving you.”
Oh, that couldn’t have been the only reason. “You risked your life to
follow me? Why?”
He grinned. “No one should be shot for ignorance.”